First of all, I would like to state that I don’t have OCD. I mean, I have checked three or four hundred times and I definitely don’t have it. On the contrary, I would like to think that I am a fairly laid back sort of guy.

I have been known to swim straight after eating and one time I let my sister off when her foot crossed the line when I took her bowling for her 9th birthday (yes that’s right, I just let her off).

There is however something that I just cannot ignore and it’s like that itch on your back, which every time you try to scratch it just gets, well… itchier! I am of course talking about waistcoats, or to be more precise, waistcoat etiquette.

Waistcoat Etiquette

Waistcoats – or vests to our transatlantic friends – are a classic sartorial staple, which in a time where men’s fashion in particular is taking a more formal twist, have become increasingly prevalent. Currently sported by more and more gents of all ages and styles, the waistcoat is a must-have part of any self-respecting and fashionable chap’s wardrobe.

As with all things, there are rules in place and although I know some rules can be broken, when this particular rule is not followed, it irritates me more than when I finished the entire series of Lost.

It is of course one of the oldest rules of formal dressing, which dictates that the bottom button of your waistcoat should always be left undone. Why I hear you ask in anticipation, are we suppose to discard the functionality of the bottom button, like an unwanted runt of a litter?

Well, the origins of this rule do vary but I personally like the theory that King Edward VII, who gorged himself like every king should, became so overweight that he could not fasten his lower button. So the rest of his court literally followed suit (excuse the pun) and in turn a fashion was born.

Suit Jackets & Blazers

While we are on the subject, the button rule should also be applied to your blazer or suit jacket. It is not certain if this rule was started by King Ed or simply developed with fashion over time. Regardless of the origin, the rule still remains that you should never fasten the bottom button.

One button suits are naturally the easiest to remember. The button should always be fastened when standing and then unbuttoned when sitting.

If it is you’re wearing a two button suit, you should only leave the top button fastened.

With a three button suit, you have two options. You can either button the top two buttons or simply fasten the centre button.

And with all suits, regardless of how many buttons they have, you should always have the jacket unbuttoned and open when sitting. It looks better, it’s more comfortable and reduces the chance of ruining the jacket.

Even if you don’t care about tradition, it will give a better shape to the fit and intern, create that desired v shape, that has been known to make women go weak at the knees… whatever that means.

So next time you see someone breaking this rule, maybe you can have a quiet word and explain to them that for over a hundred years, gentlemen have left their bottom buttons undone and unlike fleeting fashion trends that change quicker than Katie Price changes husbands.

So next time you see someone breaking this rule, maybe you can have a quiet word and explain to them that for over a hundred years, gentlemen have left their bottom buttons undone and unlike fleeting fashion trends that change quicker than Katie Price changes husbands.

This is one trend that is as affiliated to suit etiquette as Ant is to Dec. 10 tips for getting the most out of your suit will also ensure no other fashion faux pars at the same time as helping to reduce my stress levels.

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